EasyFold klapbord – er som navnet antyder utrolig let at folde sammen & let at folde ud igen pga. en brugervenlig hånd- og fodbetjent patenteret foldemekanisme. 2 integrerede hjul i den ene ende giver ekstra mobilitet, fleksibilitet og komfort, da én person alene kan flytte bordet rundt helt uden besvær og helt uden tunge løft. De 2 højdejusterbare stillesko i den anden ende kan tilmed justeres 2,5 cm i højden, hvis underlaget ikke skulle være helt plant. Sammenklappet fylder bordet kun 7 cm. Og hvem vil ikke gerne spare plads?
If you purchase a practical trolley adapted to all our EasyFold sizes, you can stack up to 10 tables vertically. This ensures that the tables take up as little space as possible and can easily pass through narrow doors, for example. And a practical safety strap also ensures that the tables do not tip over on the move. The folding table is offered as standard exclusively with practical shock-absorbing ABS table top edges – an extra plus in public spaces, where furniture can often be subjected to rough treatment.
The ergonomic folding table is not only practical but also an elegant and design delight for the eye.