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Whether at home or in the office, being able to arrange yourself ergonomically and functionally correctly is really important. Most people have noticed this firsthand, especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sitting in front of a computer with a bad back and a hunched back all day can lead to injuries and physical harm. In addition, it affects productivity in the home office if you sit poorly and get body aches.

We have selected a range of quality office furniture that ensures that working from home is as good and comfortable as working in the office. We know how important it is to build a good home office that makes you want to work from home as much as you do in the familiar surroundings of the office.

That’s why our selection of furniture below has been carefully handpicked by us. Please take a look around this page.

Small height-adjustable desks for the home office and much more 

On this page you can find everything you need for your home office. We have handpicked a special selection of office furniture so you can set up your space to perfection. The range consists of office chairs, height-adjustable desks, mobile cassettes, shelving and cabinets, giving you the basis for a fully equipped home office.

At Teco Office, there is no height-adjustable desk that we don’t have. You can get height-adjustable desks with one leg, two legs and even wall-mounted height-adjustable desks from us. This is your guarantee that we don’t have a desk that you don’t have room for. No matter how small a home office you have, we can help you with a height-adjustable desk in either black or white. Also see our wide selection of office chairs, all of which have ergonomic features so you can sit comfortably all day. The office chairs are available in a variety of colors, so it’s just a matter of choosing the one you like best.

No home office is complete without cabinets and shelves for your most important work tools. At Teco Office, we have handpicked just that, so you can collect your notes and papers in one place. The cabinets and shelves are available in several different colors, so there is something for every taste.

Maybe you’re looking for mobile cabinets? We can offer that too – with both 2 and 3 drawers. It’s up to you to choose which home office furniture you want to take home with you.

Home workplaces according to occupational health and safety legislation 

Many people don’t know this, but the rules of the Danish Working Environment Act apply to a certain extent to home workplaces . This means that employers must pay special attention to how employees arrange themselves in their home workplaces. Here, the employer is responsible for ensuring that working environment legislation is complied with.

However, the employee must contribute to ensuring that working conditions at home are safe, as the employer is not responsible for controlling the conditions at home.

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Kr. 25.001 – 40.000 3 %
Kr. 40.001 – 60.000 5 %
Over Kr. 60.000 7 %
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